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Are You a Traveler? Why the Portable CPAP Machine Might Be Right for You

Are You a Traveler? Why the Portable CPAP Machine Might Be Right for You

No one wants to bring a lot of “extras” along when traveling, especially when you spend a lot of time living out of a suitcase. However, the thing you shouldn’t leave behind is your CPAP machine.

But wait! We’re not talking about your bulky, home-use machine. Dr. Nehal Mehta and Dr. Prashant Patel offer ResMed AirMini™ portable CPAP machines at Respacare in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Believe it or not, it fits in the palm of your hand.

If you’re on the road a lot, here’s why this portable unit could make the perfect travel companion.

Why “compliance” matters

We know what you’re thinking — skipping one night without your CPAP isn’t going to cause serious problems. You might be right, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely risk-free either.

Studies show that sleep apnea and snoring lead to inflammation of airway tissue. And even a few days away from your CPAP can cause this airway inflammation to return to its former level of severity.

Because of this, consistent CPAP use, or “compliance,” is the best way to get the most from your treatment. That’s because these machines reduce the number of breathing disruptions you have each night.

Remember, those breathing disruptions are what cause airway inflammation, drops in blood oxygen, and sleep interruptions. However, using your CPAP for six or more hours a night for at least five nights a week can significantly reduce these symptoms. 

On top of that, you have less daytime sleepiness, function better throughout the day, and have lower blood pressure. Plus, you reduce your risk of long-term health complications. 

That adds up to a better quality of life. And your travel schedule doesn’t have to interfere with your compliance anymore.

The ResMed AirMini portable CPAP machine explained

Whether you’re heading out of town for work or leisure, it’s a struggle getting everything you need to fit in your bag — unless it’s a ResMed AirMini.

This portable CPAP device is currently the smallest travel machine on the market. It fits in the palm of your hand and weighs less than a pound. That makes it the perfect fit for your suitcase, backpack, or purse. But that doesn’t mean it’s less effective than your at-home model.

The ResMed AirMini is a fully integrated system with lightweight tubing and waterless humidification. You read that right! No distilled water is required. Instead, it uses a HumidX™ system to ensure your comfort while at rest.

You can also control the AirMini with your iOS or Android smartphone. That means you can tap into the system’s three built-in therapy modes and track your sleep in the palm of your hand.

With the ResMed AirMini, it’s easy to make your sleep and health a priority — all you need is a power source. Are you a traveler? Find out more about this portable CPAP device or other sleep disorder treatments by contacting our Respacare team in Bridgewater, New Jersey, today.

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