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Bridgewater Lung Cancer Prevention Tips

Bridgewater Lung Cancer Prevention Tips

As Bridgewater lung doctors, our main priority is your health. We are proud to announce that the American Lung Association has launched an online tool to help users determine whether they meet the guidelines for CT screening for lung cancer. If this screening were widely implemented, 3,000 to 4,000 lives could be saved every year.

The online tool “” is launching in the lead up to Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November. The site asks visitors a series of questions that helps determine whether they meet the guidelines to need to be screened for lung cancer.

“We’re excited about launching this tool and the low-dose screenings. It’s a big step in the fight against lung cancer,” said Harold P. Wimmer, National President and CEO of the American Lung Association. “Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in America. We created this online tool to help people understand quickly whether they are candidates for low-dose CT screening.”

RESPACARE is a Bridgewater based organization that provides specialist care for pulmonary, critical care and sleep related issues. Our team of board certified physicians provides treatment for breathing and chest disorders such as emphysema and bronchitis and for sleep related issues including sleep apnea. We treat clients all over the Somerset county area in towns such as Bridgewater, Somerset, Hillsborough, Bernardsville, Somerville, Basking Ridge, Franklin, Warren, Watchung, Bound Brook, and many more.

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