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What Will A Pulmonary Stress Test Show?

What Will A Pulmonary Stress Test Show?

It’s normal to have a lot of questions when your health provider recommends a pulmonary stress test, a type of pulmonary function test

Experts use pulmonary function screenings to evaluate a person’s lung health and to identify any underlying issues. Different types of pulmonary function screenings — like a pulmonary stress test — reveal specific types of information.

At Respacare, Dr. Nehal Mehta and Dr. Prashant Patel use pulmonary function tests to measure the amount of air coming in and out of the lungs. If they recommend a pulmonary stress test, it captures vital information while a person exercises.

How a pulmonary stress test works

It’s hard to confuse a pulmonary stress test with other exams. After all, this is the health screening that takes place while you exercise, either on a stationary bike or treadmill.

During your exam, our team places a blood pressure cuff on your arm, electrodes on your chest, a mask over your mouth and nose, and a pulse oximeter on your finger.

When you start to exercise, these diagnostic tools capture:

The entire pulmonary function screening takes approximately 10-15 minutes — or the length of time you can tolerate physical exertion.

What a pulmonary stress test reveals

Since a pulmonary stress test can capture so much diagnostic information, it can provide significant insight into how well your lungs are working. 

Reasons we might recommend a pulmonary function test include:

Experts can also use pulmonary stress tests to assess lung function before an individual undergoes a procedure or surgery.

Your provider may also recommend a pulmonary stress test if you smoke or have other health conditions, including those associated with the heart.

What to expect from a pulmonary stress test

The good news is that pulmonary function tests aren’t invasive. They’re also quick, safe, and well-tolerated by most individuals — even when they take place during exercise, like a pulmonary stress test.

We can provide personalized instructions to prepare for your exam. For instance, you may have to stop taking certain medications and avoid consuming any food or beverages in advance. 

You also shouldn’t smoke for at least six hours beforehand.

When taking your test, we recommend wearing loose clothing and athletic shoes.

After completing your test, you can usually resume regular activities.

Once we assess the results of your screening, we can discuss what they mean and outline the next steps moving forward, if necessary.

Do you need a pulmonary stress test? Our team can explain the process and what to expect based on your needs.

Contact Respacare by phone or online to schedule a consultation with our experts in Bridgewater, New Jersey, today.

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