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Why Am I So Exhausted All Day?

Why Am I So Exhausted All Day?

Feeling exhausted? You’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 13% of adults in the United States report feeling very tired almost every day.

Why are we so exhausted all day? The answer isn’t straightforward.

At Respacare in Bridgewater, New Jersey, our team of sleep medicine and pulmonary experts want to share some common causes for why you might feel tired all day. 

Poor sleep habits

Sleep is a crucial part of your daily routine. It allows your body to recuperate from the stresses of the day and prepare for the next. Unfortunately, it’s easy to sacrifice sleep in favor of work, socializing, or binge-watching your favorite TV show.

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t make up for lost sleep. Habitually skimping on sleep prevents your body from getting the rest it needs, leaving you feeling fatigued.

Creating a healthy sleep routine can make a difference. Make a plan to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Turn off smartphones, tablets, and laptops at least an hour before bed. Light from electronics disrupts the body’s sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep. Also, keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet.

It may take time, but creating a routine for sleep so you can get more rest is one of the most effective ways to combat daytime sleepiness.

Chronic medical condition

If you continue to wake up exhausted after implementing a sleep routine, then you may have an underlying medical condition that affects sleep or energy. 

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless legs syndrome (RLS) make it hard to get a restful night of sleep, regardless of how well you prepare. Other medical conditions — like hypothyroidism, diabetes, and anxiety — can drain your energy and make you feel tired throughout the day.

Here at Respacare, we can identify and treat the root cause of your fatigue and help improve your sleep and energy. Our team specializes in sleep disorders and offers sleep disorder testing at a sleep lab and at home to find out why our patients feel so tired. 

Cold or flu

Winter is cold and flu season. These short-term infections are also a common cause of all-day exhaustion. Fighting off an illness demands a lot of energy, and the associated symptoms can make restful sleep difficult.

Rest is one of the important remedies for the cold and flu and not getting enough can delay your recovery. You can protect yourself from the flu with the annual flu vaccine. Getting antiviral medication at the start of your flu symptoms may lessen the severity and duration of your illness.

Washing your hands, not touching your eyes or mouth, and avoiding sick people may reduce your risk of getting sick.  

Diet or exercise 

Diet choices and activity also influence energy levels. 

Eating a nutrient-poor diet filled with processed foods high in sugar may cause rapid spikes and drops in energy, leaving you feeling sluggish. Instead, focus on meals rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins for sustained energy.

While you may rely on caffeinated drinks to help you get through the day, excessive intake — especially later in the day — may interfere with sleep and make matters worse. 

Exercise may seem like the worst idea when all you want to do is sleep. But physical activity is a natural mood booster, and not exercising may make you feel worse. Activity increases circulation and oxygen delivery to your brain and muscles. It also improves muscle strength and endurance, making it easier to go about your usual routine. Even a short walk or stretch may help you feel more energized.

Feeling exhausted all day doesn’t have to be your norm. At Respacare, we can help find the root cause of your fatigue so you can regain your energy. Call us today at 732-356-9950 or request an appointment online.

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